
22 Incredibly Interesting Photos From Our Strange World

Two images from r/interestingasfuck
Two images from r/interestingasfuck

Published February 13, 2024

Published February 13, 2024

The world is full of little wonders, and sometimes big ones. There is so much out there to discover and explore, endless amounts of fun facts and nature's phenomenons to see and learn about every single day. Maybe the normal scrolling someone does throughout the day doesn't reveal many of these interesting things, but there are many dedicated places for curious minds to fill that void that longs for knowledge.

To see things that are just a little more interesting than what a normal day has to offer there is Reddit's many different fact-filled subreddits to help out. One of them, /r/InterestingAsF*** is full of fun facts, cool images, and other little relics that can take any day from boring to exciting. From celebrity mugshots to the changing of old statues over time, these photos have something for everyone. Here are 22 images that contain so much wonder and curiosity that everyone is sure to find them interesting.

This Disney Rejection Letter from 1938

(Source: Reddit)

Famous Mugshots

(Source: Reddit)

This Bench Design

(Source: Reddit)

U.S. Airways Flight 1549 After Landing in the Hudson River 15 Years Ago

(Source: Reddit)

X-Ray of a Person Being Smuggled in a Suitcase

(Source: Reddit)

USA Embassy in London Issue a Statement on Tea Controversy

(Source: Reddit)

Bottle of Crown Royal Saved Since 1970

(Source: Reddit)

On the Turkish Lira, Atatürk Slowly Looks Towards You as Bills Get Higher

(Source: Reddit)

Player Piano from 1907, Valued Around $25,000

(Source: Reddit)

Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Maguire Meeting as Children at an Audition

(Source: Reddit)

A Javan Rhino, There Are Only About 76 Left

(Source: Reddit)

An Interesting Coincidence

(Source: Reddit)

Oxford, UK

(Source: Reddit)

Map of America from 1733

(Source: Reddit)

Ancient Roman Tomb of Tiberius Cladius Dionysius

(Source: Reddit)

Leshan Giant Buddha, China, in the 1920s and 2010s

(Source: Reddit)

This Cool Statue

(Source: Reddit)

This Five Leaf Clover

(Source: Reddit)

New York, 100 Years Ago

(Source: Reddit)

This Ornate Spiny Lobster

(Source: Reddit)

Causes of Death in London at the Height of the Great Plague

(Source: Reddit)

Knitted Socks from 12th-Century Egypt

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: interesting, mildly interesting, hmmm, facts, disney, work, history, celebrities, mugshots, planes, airplane, art, america, usa, london, england, tea, piano, goats, leonardo dicaprio, tobey maguire, kids, animals, rhino, uk, maps, collections,