22 Memes About Mental Health That Can Get A Little Too Relatable

Feeling down? Everyone struggles with their mental health sometimes, and it's important to keep in mind that without ever experiencing bad times we would never recognize the good times when they inevitably arrive.
After all, feeling sadness, regret and anxiety is just a normal part of our shared human experience. Without being able to feel the entire spectrum of emotions, would humans still be the complex beautiful beings they are?
Nobody likes feeling sad though, and one of the ways we cope with negative emotions is by sharing our stories with each other, often in the form of jokes or memes we post on the internet. They say laughter is the best medicine, and while we're not medical doctors or psychiatrists, we are pretty sure that having a hearty laugh never harmed anyone. Here are some relatable memes memes for that much-needed dopamine boost before the brighter future swoops in!