
22 Starter Packs Covering Every Kind Of Person

Two images from /r/starterpacks
Two images from /r/starterpacks

Published May 03, 2024

Published May 03, 2024

Feeding into and utilizing stereotypes isn't always the best thing to do, but in some cases, for some people, they are just so true. The 'starter pack' memes are a certain kind of meme that hone in on the specifics of certain kinds of people. Most people have likely seen a couple of these memes floating around, it is an extremely versatile format and there is a starter pack out there for every kind of person, it's actually pretty impressive.

They get pretty specific while still being super accurate and relatable, depending on who you are. Reddit's /r/starterpacks is the subreddit that collects all of these starter pack memes, so anyone can find exactly what they are looking for. Chances are there is a starter pack for you and all your friends, if there isn't one, by some incredible chance, then there are always new ones being added. Here are 25 starter packs that describe, to a T, some very stereotypical individuals.

A sad feeling

(Source: Reddit)

Enough said

(Source: Reddit)

It's rough out there

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone knows someone who says this

(Source: Reddit)

Those were the days

(Source: Reddit)

Heavy on the peanut butter spoon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Just an elective

(Source: Reddit)

The little tree forest

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone knows a parent with a 'genius' child

(Source: Reddit)

The elder 1986 person

(Source: Reddit)

She's just not like other girls

(Source: Reddit)

How do these kinds of stores stay open

(Source: Reddit)

Someone got it, not me though

(Source: Reddit)

Peak time for mobile gaming

(Source: Reddit)

High school is weird

(Source: Reddit)

This is so deep

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, the sad beige baby

(Source: Reddit)

We're so back

(Source: Reddit)

The original cool kid

(Source: Reddit)

What's the science behind this?

(Source: Reddit)

Warhammer boyfriend is wholesome

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/starterpacks, memes, friends, friendship, animals, life, relatable, recruiting hell, jobs, work, food, school, sleep, naps, ingredient household, nostalgia, gen z, college, cars, driving, parents, kids, gifted child, 80s, collections,