22 Things No One Should Like
It's all a big game of chance when scrolling through the internet. At any given time, there is no knowing what is going to come up on the next scroll. Sometimes it's greatness and sometimes it's horror, no one knows what to expect. There are a lot of people out there with different intentions when it comes to posting, some post for the good vibes and the laughter, others post for the shock and to make people uncomfortable, and it's the shocking things that are featured here.
Reddit's /r/TIHI is a subreddit that is made for all of the things that get posted around the web that everyone hates. It stands for "thanks, I hate it" which is all that can really be said about these disturbing, uncomfortable, and downright cursed images. For anyone who wants to see the icky side of content online, here are 25 images no one asked for, nor appreciates.