22 Things That No One Should Like

There is a lot of content of all different kinds out there on the internet. It's never guaranteed what's going to come up on that next scroll, it's a total gamble when it comes to scrolling online. There are things on the Internet that people are going to love, and a whole lot of content people are going to hate. While the stuff people hate may not seem like something worth seeing, the content in Reddit's /r/TIHI, which stands for 'thanks, I hate it', is surprisingly enjoyable, in a weird way.
The images in there are distasteful, off-putting, and generally icky things that for one reason or another, no one really appreciates. Maybe it's a mildly infuriating that is just super unsatisfying, or maybe a weird piece of art from the depths of someone's twisted mind, it's hard to say for sure. Here are 25 images from /r/TIHI that no one really loves, but everyone wants to see.