
22 Things That No One Should Like

Two images from /r/TIHI
Two images from /r/TIHI

Published May 01, 2024

Published May 01, 2024

There is a lot of content of all different kinds out there on the internet. It's never guaranteed what's going to come up on that next scroll, it's a total gamble when it comes to scrolling online. There are things on the Internet that people are going to love, and a whole lot of content people are going to hate. While the stuff people hate may not seem like something worth seeing, the content in Reddit's /r/TIHI, which stands for 'thanks, I hate it', is surprisingly enjoyable, in a weird way.

The images in there are distasteful, off-putting, and generally icky things that for one reason or another, no one really appreciates. Maybe it's a mildly infuriating that is just super unsatisfying, or maybe a weird piece of art from the depths of someone's twisted mind, it's hard to say for sure. Here are 25 images from /r/TIHI that no one really loves, but everyone wants to see.

Hate this sign

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone can hate this

(Source: Reddit)

This is upsetting

(Source: Reddit)

The long toilet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The more you know…

(Source: Reddit)

The future is here

(Source: Reddit)

Sad times

(Source: Reddit)

The gummy universe

(Source: Reddit)

Beardless man

(Source: Reddit)

Too close

(Source: Reddit)

Keepin' you on your toes

(Source: Reddit)

This is wrong

(Source: Reddit)

For everyone's sake

(Source: Reddit)

Oh… great

(Source: Reddit)

What a nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

These dice are horrible

(Source: Reddit)

What a trick

(Source: Reddit)

Why do they look like that

(Source: Reddit)

Getting steamy in there

(Source: Reddit)

How to avoid the dentist

(Source: Reddit)

Don't picture this

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/tihi, tihi, thanks i hate it, signs, fail, one job, you had one job, gender reveal, news, animals, people being jerks, food, cake, stupid food, gross, dolls, creepy, cursed, duck tales, weezer, twitter, furby, robots, youtube, canada, collections,