23 Awfully Cringeworthy Memes That Belong In The Comedy Cemetery

Memes come and memes go. Every meme has a life span; some live longer than others, and some are doomed from the start. Although there are good memes and bad memes out there, there seem to be a lot more terrible memes. Not every meme can be a winner, some were bound to make people cringe.
Eventually, every meme will meet its end and be banished to the comedy cemetery. Comedy cemetery is a place filled with the worst, most cringeworthy memes the Internet has to offer. From memes that haven't been relevant for a decade to memes that just make no sense.
Reddit's /r/comedycemetery is a place of rest for memes that don't deserve to see the light of day any longer. It is not the most pleasant subreddit to walk through, but it's only right that people go to pay their respects and remind themselves of what memes just aren't funny anymore. Here are 23 memes straight from the comedy cemetery that are just … bad.