
23 Cringeworthy Pictures That Hurt To Look At

Two images from /r/cringepics
Two images from /r/cringepics

Published April 24, 2024

Published April 24, 2024

Everyone has had their fair share of cringe moments throughout life. Everyone has done things or said stuff they deeply regret, especially as young, awkward teens. Being cringe from time to time is just one of those unfortunate parts of life, some people are definitely worse off than others though in this regard. Some people don't grow out of their cringey-ness. Many people also don't have to have their cringeworthy moments shared online for others to see, it's usually forgotten about with time, but others aren't so fortunate.

Reddit subreddits like /r/SadCringe or /r/CringePics document blatant and upsettingly cringeworthy moments found all over the internet so everyone else can laugh at them. Even though some pictures are low-key hard to look at, it's entertaining, and everyone is glad that person isn't them. Here are 25 people's most cringe moments being exposed for all to see, don't worry, lots of them deserve this.

That is rather unfortunate

(Source: Reddit)

Someone thinks they're smart

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Huge L

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Don't forgive him

(Source: Reddit)

This absolutely didn't happen

(Source: Reddit)

Venting on Facebook will always be cringe

(Source: Reddit)

Still hurts over a decade later

(Source: Reddit)

This is just sad

(Source: Reddit)

Her confidence is insane

(Source: Reddit)

Insecure much?

(Source: Reddit)

Found in a thrift store

(Source: Reddit)

Sure dude, sure

(Source: Reddit)

Certified alpha male

(Source: Reddit)

I would've had to leave

(Source: Reddit)

AI as a best friend

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah… that's not what that means

(Source: Reddit)

Common alpha male mindset

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder how far that got her

(Source: Reddit)

Gamer moment

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

True pain

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/sadcringe, sad cringe, cringe, cringeworthy, /r/cringepics, fnaf, movies, /r/iamverysmart, i am very smart, big brain, snapchat, red flags, twitter, fb, reddit, ai, bots, online dating, hinge, instagram, alpha male, sigma, alphas, mlm, collections,