
22 Enigmas And Oddities People Stumbled Upon While Exploring Google Earth

Two Oddities and Enigmas From Google Earth.
Two Oddities and Enigmas From Google Earth.

Published January 07, 2025

Published January 07, 2025

It's hard to wrap our heads around just how massive the planet is and how many mysteries and secrets it hides, often in plain sight. In the past, few had time and opportunity to spend their lives uncovering these mysteries. Fortunately, modern technology has provided explorers-at-heart with wonderful tools to do some exploring from the comfort of their own homes.

Take Google Earth, for example, all you need to do is open the site and start looking around! There are also online spaces where people gather to share all the unusual discoveries they've made while using the site. Here are some of the coolest and most mysterious things they have recently found.

Fake Eiffel Tower Near A Chinese Military Base

(Source: Reddit)

An Unusual Retention Pond

(Source: Reddit)

A Skate Park In North Korea

(Source: Reddit)

A Scar Left By The Turkish Airlines Flight 981 Disaster

(Source: Reddit)

A Crazy Driftwood Shack On A California Cliff

(Source: Reddit)

How A Flying Plane Looks From Above

(Source: Reddit)

Road In Northern Vermont Briefly Crosses The Canadian Border

(Source: Reddit)

People Thought It Was A Crashed UFO, But It's Just A Rainwater Catchment

(Source: Reddit)

Crater Left By A Nuclear Test In 1956

(Source: Reddit)

Mountain Slice Carved To Make Room For Tennis Courts

An apartment complex in Copacabana, Brazil.

(Source: Reddit)

Probably Not A Sasquatch

(Source: Reddit)

Building Complex Spelling Out "Antibody" In China

A major biotech facility in China as seen from above.

(Source: Reddit)

Inaccessible Island? No Longer

Interesting fact: no land mammals, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, or snails have been found at this island.

(Source: Reddit)

A Six-Pointed Star In The Mojave Desert

(Source: Reddit)

Found While Looking Around Pyongyang

(Source: Reddit)

Hunter's Geoglyph Found In Louisburg, Kansas

(Source: Reddit)

The Sheer Amount Of Boats In This Port

(Source: Reddit)

Site Of A Plane Crash That Happened 75 Years Ago

(Source: Reddit)

A Creepy Island

(Source: Reddit)

Are These What Holds Tectonic Plates In Place?

(Source: Reddit)

Small Hills Near Area 51

The hills were left by underground nuclear tests.

(Source: Reddit)

Man-Shaped Lake In Brazil

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: google maps, google earth, /r/googleearthfinds, sasquatch, china, inaccessible island, nevada, north korea, geoglyph, area 51, eiffel tower,