23 Facts We Only Just Learned Today

There is always something new and something interesting to learn about each and every day. The world and the web is full of information, it is impossible to learn it all, but anyone can learn a lot. Aside from all of the broad knowledge people have to know, there are millions of small, fun facts to learn about that might surprise someone. Whether it's a history fact, a celebrity fact, some gossip, or something someone just realized in a small epiphany, learning something new is good for all kinds of reasons. It can fill a silence, it can break the ice, or it can impress someone.
For those who have not learnt anything new today, not to worry, there is time. There are tons of places online where people share all of the small yet interesting facts and tidbits of information they find and figure out. People love to share fun facts with others, and it is nice to learn something new so randomly
So, for those who want some food for thought or for those who want to test their own knowledge, here is a collection of 23 facts we only just learned today, so everyone else can learn them, too. Have fun with these odd facts and pieces of knowledge.