
23 Guilty Dogs Who Got Caught Committing Canine Crimes

Two examples of guilty dogs who got caught from the collection.
Two examples of guilty dogs who got caught from the collection.

Published December 31, 2024

Published December 31, 2024

Every owner knows that even the best-behaved dogs can have a moment of weakness, be it stealing a delicious snack while their human is not watching, climbing somewhere they are totally not supposed to, or ruining something that they thought could make a great toy. Some try to conceal their guilt by trying to look like nothing happened, strolling around the scene of their crime like it was somebody else who shredded the cushions and dropped the plants. Others avert their eyes and lie down in shame for their little misdeeds, hoping that their repentance will earn them forgiveness (and more often than not, it totally works).

The looks that dogs give us when they face the consequences of their actions are totally cute and adorable… for everybody except those who have to clean up their mess. Luckily, today that's not us, so check out these four-legged criminals who got caught in the act.

She’s Innocent She Swears

(Source: Reddit)

Guess Who Got Into a Bowl Of Spaghetti?

(Source: Reddit)

This Is What We Get For Going To Work

(Source: Reddit)

On The Right: A Washing Machine Tipped Over

(Source: Reddit)

Pecan Tart Stealing Look

(Source: Reddit)

Caught Red-Handed

(Source: Reddit)

Written Up

(Source: Reddit)

Nope, Definitely Not Shredding The New Bed You Got Me

(Source: Reddit)

Busted Drinking Water From The Christmas Tree

(Source: Reddit)

The Admission Of Crime

(Source: Reddit)

He'd Sell His Mother For A Slice Of Toast

(Source: Reddit)

She Hides In The Bathtub When She's In Trouble

(Source: Reddit)

Clearly Innocent

(Source: Reddit)

The Art Vs. The Artist

(Source: Reddit)

It Just Exploded, I Swear

(Source: Reddit)

Brazen Criminal Caught In The Act

(Source: Reddit)

Charge: Eating A Shoe

(Source: Reddit)

Hmm I Wonder Who Ate The Shredded Cheese?

(Source: Reddit)

You Can Smell Her Crimes

(Source: Reddit)

Oh You!

(Source: Reddit)

The Look Of A Seasoned Criminal

(Source: Reddit)

Uhhh He Ran That Way!

(Source: Reddit)

Somebody Ate All The Chalk!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/guiltydogs, dogs, guilty dogs, spaghetti, playstation,