23 Gut-Wrenching Moments That Surely Ruined Someone's Day
Many unfortunate and unavoidable situations can happen on any given day. From time to time, a bad day is bound to come along and put a damper on things. Sometimes these situations are relatively small, yet they still seem to have a tremendous effect on the person they happen to.
Other times the issues are bigger, and it's a little troubling to even know where to go afterwards. There isn't much that can be said about these terrible events, it just is what it is — as they say.
There are a few subreddits on Reddit that feature these tragedies that happen to users in their everyday lives, and many Redditors are eager to share their awful experiences so that the rest of us feel a little bit better.
Users come together to share the terrible times they are having, to find some sort of peace in them. Here are 23 moments that left individuals in total shock.