
23 Memes That Are Just Plain Bad

Two images from /r/comedycemetery
Two images from /r/comedycemetery

Published 2 months ago

Published 2 months ago

Not all memes are made equally. Many memes are great; they are worthy of sharing and enjoying amongst many people. Then, there are many more memes that are just so terrible. Some people just don't have a good sense of humor, plain and simple. Some memes also are just so overused they become terrible, trends come and go. So, what happens to all of these dead and bad memes once they become cringe? They get sent to the Comedy Cemetery.

The Comedy Cemetery is a resting place for memes that have run their course or ones that never had a course at all. Reddit's /r/comedycemetery is a place full of cringe, and while the memes inside are not good, it's still an entertaining place to scroll through. Take a walk through the gates of the comedy cemetery to see these 23 memes that have made it to their final resting destination.

Nice, Elon

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None of this is funny

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So epic

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Get it, guys?

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Okay, buddy

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Wish I never saw this

(Source: Reddit)

So spooky

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When you know

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, chemistry

(Source: Reddit)


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Might be your sense of humour

(Source: Reddit)

Haha generations

(Source: Reddit)

UGH math…

(Source: Reddit)

No lies were told

(Source: Reddit)


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Definitely a real text thread

(Source: Reddit)

What the!!

(Source: Reddit)

Very funny, Elon

(Source: Reddit)

Tired of seeing this

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy cemetery, /r/comedycemetery, bad memes, meme fails, memes, cringe memes, dead memes, twitter, reddit, marvel, anime, animemes, science memes, science, xavier, cringe, cringeworthy memes, cringeworthy, facepalm, /r/facepalm, collections,