23 Pun-Filled Dad Jokes To Roll Your Eyes At

Some of the most classic jokes out there are dad jokes. Dad jokes are timeless and are great for any crowd. Dad jokes are the kinds of jokes that usually contain a corny pun and a punchline that resembles something of an anti-joke. They're predictable and silly, which is partly why they are so good. A lot of people hate them though, probably for the pun part. Puns can be annoying because of how obvious and silly they are, but they don't deserve the hate, puns are good.
There are a lot of accounts out there sharing the best dad jokes and silly puns every day. Accounts on Twitter and Instagram are coming up with and posting fresh ones every day, to keep life interesting. For a day filled with laughter and silliness, here are 23 dad jokes to share with just about anyone. They are dad jokes after all.