23 Starter Packs For Every Cliché And Stereotype
The memes that took over the Internet a few years back are still around and thriving. By now everyone has seen the starter pack memes. These memes are simple, they feature a whole bunch of qualities, likes, and dislikes that a specific kind of person could have, and they get really specific.
There is a starter pack for anyone and everyone out there, and since they are still being made all the time, if there isn't one already, chances are there will be soon. Everyone likes starter pack memes because they can be highly relatable and most of them everyone has experienced or seen at some point in life before. They are surprisingly accurate, even though they are so specific and unique. Reddit's /r/starterpacks is the place to go to find a starter pack for every kind of person, no matter who they are. Here are just 25 of them, maybe you'll find yourself on here, or your friend, relative or coworker…