23 Technically True Comments And Memes No One Can Argue With

The truth isn't always fun. Sometimes, the truth hurts, sometimes, it's boring, sometimes, it doesn't make much sense. No one really likes the cold, hard truth. So, how does someone make the truth better to hear and to tell? By making it technical, of course. Something that is technically the truth is something that is not quite right and very unexpected, but it's unable to be argued with because it's not wrong at all. It isn't usually overly helpful, but it is funny, and isn't that all that matters?
Everyone loves a technical truth; this is proven in Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth. This is a subreddit filled with things that are just technically true, of course. Some of them might be a bit corny, and some of them might feel like a dad joke, but all of them are infallible with logic. So here are 23 statements we just can't argue with.