
23 Tumblr Text Posts For A Laugh From The Past

Two images from r/Tumblr
Two images from r/Tumblr

Published February 17, 2024

Published February 17, 2024

Once upon a time, a certain site was the ruler of the internet. It was filled with original memes, iconic text posts, and so, so many fandoms. This site is of course Tumblr. It was one of the main gathering places for young users of the web because it was such a unique and customizable site. Anyone could make their blog exactly the way they wanted it and connect with people with the same interests.

While a lot of cringeworthy content may have come from Tumblr, a lot of super well-known memes came from there too, so some credit is due. Though Tumblr isn't the popular place it once was, there is still a lot that goes down over there. There are still posts being made and pictures being shared and many people have active blogs. Take a visit back to Tumblr with these 24 text posts to remind everyone that it was once a prime spot.

A Different Time…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Art for Art's Sake

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is It?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No One Saw It Coming

(Source: Reddit)

Duolingo Getting Crazy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thinking About Them

(Source: Reddit)

The Mystery and the Solution

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He Is Perfect

(Source: Reddit)

Stay Unbothered

(Source: Reddit)

Which One Are You?

(Source: Reddit)

I Guess It Checks Out…

(Source: Reddit)

Oddly Accurate

(Source: Reddit)

It's Instinct

(Source: Reddit)

Egg Sins

(Source: Reddit)

Think Again

(Source: Reddit)

Not Sure Though

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Love of Evil

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tumblr, r/tumblr, text posts, memes, cbat, tattoos, art, fnaf, five nights at freddys, markiplier, splatoon, aliens, duolingo, language, wikipedia, kermit the frog, scrabble, donkey kong, food, eggs, video games, gaming, collections,