
23 Typical Karens Making The World A Worse Place

Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren
Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren

Published April 25, 2024

Published April 25, 2024

The term 'Karen' is one that's been thrown around for a while now. It's used to describe a certain kind of person, a person who is typically a middle-aged, white woman who is just never satisfied. They always have something to complain about, always think they should be catered to, and of course always want to speak to the manager. Karens are out there making the world a harder, and generally a worse place to live in. They can be found just about anywhere, in fast-food restaurants, stores, and of course online, spewing their nonsense to the whole world.

Karens are a huge headache, and having to encounter one anywhere is sure to make someone's day that much worse. Reddit users are here to share their most agonizing Karen encounters with the rest of the internet so everyone can share in the pain and laugh at how terrible and embarrassing some of these people are. Here are just 23 of them being the absolute worst.

Classic Karen move

(Source: Reddit)

That would be a very Karen thing to do

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She was not

(Source: Reddit)

Influencers can be Karens too

(Source: Reddit)

This is insane

(Source: Reddit)

Oh the irony

(Source: Reddit)

If it isn't already, this should be illegal

(Source: Reddit)

Is she serious

(Source: Reddit)

Too many tattoos!

(Source: Reddit)

Oh please

(Source: Reddit)

Not the best idea

(Source: Reddit)

Curb* appeal

(Source: Reddit)

Defending his Karen

(Source: Reddit)

When everyone discovered the truth about Ellen Degeneres

(Source: Reddit)

She's got a point

(Source: Reddit)


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(Source: Reddit)

Sounds about right

(Source: Reddit)

Some customers are worth losing

(Source: Reddit)

Karen's karma

(Source: Reddit)

They're just so educated

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone knows what they want

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: karens, people being jerks, karen, boomers, twitter, kids, facepalm, /r/facepalm, facebook, fb, reviews, influencers, dogs, choosing beggars, dominos, pizza, renting, landlords, weddings, america, post malone, karma, memes, candy crush, collections,