
24 Adorable Things Making Everyone Smile Today

Two images from /r/blessedimages
Two images from /r/blessedimages

Published June 08, 2024

Published June 08, 2024

Everyone needs some wholesome content every now and again. There is a lot of bad stuff on the Internet and out there in the world in general luckily though there is enough good stuff to balance out the bad stuff to make things seem a little better for a moment. The negativity and badness in the media can be important to acknowledge, but it can become too much for anyone. One way to deal with life's bad stuff is to indulge in some blessed images.

Blessed images are the kinds of photos that are certifiably blessed. They are so sweet and comforting that they have the ability to make anyone smile, no matter what, kind of like a wholesome meme. There is no shame in scrolling through some photos of adorable animals or cute moments, it's just good for the soul. So here are 24 images from Reddit's /r/blessedimages that will make everyone stop and smile for a moment.

Hamster bed

(Source: Reddit)

He killed it

(Source: Reddit)

Blessed day

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Redd)

So sweet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Blessed frog

(Source: Reddit)

Smelling the flowers

(Source: Reddit)

Pizza doggo

(Source: Reddit)

Special cat

(Source: Reddit)

Friends forever

(Source: Reddit)

He was trying to read

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Blessed trophy

(Source: Reddit)

Blessed sheep

(Source: Reddit)

His bucket

(Source: Reddit)

Proud mother

(Source: Reddit)

Banana snake

(Source: Reddit)

Fair trade

(Source: Reddit)

An army

(Source: Reddit)

Orange friends

(Source: Reddit)

So sweet

(Source: Reddit)

Blessed strawberry

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: blessed, wholesome, blessed images, animals, hamsters, dogs, cats, twitter, rainbow, food, snacks, video games, gaming, relationships, frogs, flowers, amazon, kids, books, dog shaming, memes, sheep, cute, ducks, snakes, computer, collections,