24 Anti-Memes Made With Anti-Humour
Does it ever feel like memes are getting too silly? The world is always joking around, can't anything be serious anymore? Sometimes, the fun and games need to come to an end, and people need to get back into reality for once. There is a reasonable explanation behind every meme everyone sees; there is a story behind them all. But how many people really know that story? This is what anti-memes are for. Anti-memes are memes that have had the jokes taken out of them and replaced with purely logical text and explanations. They might not sound all that fun, but they are entertaining all on their own.
Anyone can make an anti-meme, all it takes is some reading between the lines. Anti-memes are a kind of meme everyone can understand because they just make sense. There are no hidden jokes, there are no puns or sneaky ideas, they just are what they are. There are also a surprising amount of them out there, and they just keep coming.
For everyone who wants to see the reality behind their most beloved memes, here are 24 anti-memes full of anti-humour to enjoy.