
24 Awful Products That Disappointed People

Two images from /r/expectationvsreality
Two images from /r/expectationvsreality

Published February 03, 2025

Published February 03, 2025

People have to be skeptical of new products or things that seem a little too perfect in the ads. Things don't always come as they claim to, this is an unfortunate but inevitable reality. Some things are just too good to be true! Everyone gets excited about new products every once in a while. Whether it's a new food, gadget, or piece of clothing. This is fun but prepare for disappointment.

Everyone has ordered a new fast-food item only for it to come out looking like it was made by an actual child. Everyone has bought something from some sketchy online retailer only for it to arrive a little odd. While it's never fun to be disappointed by a purchase and feel like money has been wasted, it happens to everyone.

Let's help each other out and not let others fall for these clever marketing campaigns and ads. One of the best ways to deal with these kinds of infuriating failures is by sharing them with others. 'Expectation vs reality' is how people describe these things that did not turn out how they were meant to. Here are 25 disappointing items from all over the place.

Ordered a desk, got a photo

(Source: Reddit)

Not quite

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's kind of cute

(Source: Reddit)

Three pepperoni, actually

(Source: Reddit)

Or just peas

(Source: Reddit)

Sourdough is hard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Starbucks

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Can't expect too much from these…

(Source: Reddit)

I've seen worse

(Source: Reddit)

Not as pretty

(Source: Reddit)

It is McDonald's…

(Source: Reddit)

Not so saucy

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Reddit)

That texture though

(Source: Redd)

They tried

(Source: Reddit)

Yum, so good

(Source: Reddit)

Baking is hard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Close enough

(Source: Reddit)

This pie

(Source: Reddit)

Crispy beans

(Source: Redd)

Tags: expectation vs reality, mildly infuriating, one job, reddit, the internet, social media, expectations vs reality, /r/expectationvsreality, mildly interesting, you had one job,