
24 Awkward Examples Of People Missing Obvious Jokes

Two images from /r/woooosh.
Two images from /r/woooosh.

Published December 07, 2024

Published December 07, 2024

It's never fun to miss out on a joke. Everyone has been the person to not be in on a joke before, it's a terrible feeling… but it happens. Sometimes, a person misses out on part of the joke or hears incorrectly, sometimes a person doesn't know the context of a joke so they don't understand, like with inside jokes, and sometimes the joke just flies over a person's head. That situation is always the most embarrassing.

When someone misses a joke in person, usually it can be played off and forgotten fairly easily. People don't remember things like that, usually. When someone misses a joke online, though, it's so much worse because it is on there forever and ever. The Internet is permanent, so everyone will see that awkward moment. It's even worse when the joke is insanely obvious. Sometimes, it's a question of whether someone missed the joke on purpose trying to act smart, which is arguably even more cringeworthy.

The subreddit /r/woooosh is a subreddit where Reddit users can share all of the most embarrassing and awkward times people missed a clear joke online. These situations are terribly cringeworthy, but so worth seeing. Here are 24 of them to shake a head at.

They don't get anti-memes

(Source: Reddit)

It's so good guys

(Source: Reddit)

Could it be they were joking?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You doubt it?

(Source: Reddit)

Come on…

(Source: Reddit)

It's definitely a joke

(Source: Reddit)

No just that one

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks for explaining

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's actually a song

(Source: Reddit)

Advanced diabetes

(Source: Reddit)

This is heartbreaking

(Source: Reddit)

Is this loss?

(Source: Reddit)

Ba dum tss

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Financial beast

(Source: Reddit)

He is not

(Source: Reddit)

I wouldn't do such a thing

(Source: Reddit)

100% milk

(Source: Reddit)

You don't know that…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Pretty sure it isn't

(Source: Reddit)

Not that smart, clearly

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/woooosh, woooosh, missed jokes, cringe, anti-meme, memes, tumblr, optical illusion, minions, harry potter, tiktok, oof, big oof, ouch, mildly infuriating, /r/mildlyinfuriating, facepalm, /r/facepalm, yikes, jokes, puns, missed the joke, meme, smh,