
24 Bad Tattoos To Erase Forever

Two images from /r/shittytattoos
Two images from /r/shittytattoos

Published March 05, 2024

Published March 05, 2024

These days it's honestly kind of surprising to meet someone without any tattoos. Tattoos are becoming more and more popular and so many people have at least one. It's like a common question to ask when meeting someone now. The thing about tattoos though is that they are very permanent. While there is technology now that can laser them away, it's lengthy and expensive.

A tattoo fail is an embarrassing and cringeworthy thing to have to live with and it is just best to avoid them at all cost. Some tattoos are doomed by a bad artist, some are doomed from the start with a bad idea. Sometimes these two things work together to make an absolute nightmare. Reddit's got a few subreddits that feature and shame these massively failed tattoos made by people all over the world. Here are just 25 of them that should encourage anyone to think before they get inked.

What's This Supposed to Be?

(Source: Reddit)

Very Interesting

(Source: Reddit)

Forehead for Days

(Source: Reddit)

A TikTok Special

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Poor Bear

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, Lovely

(Source: Reddit)

In the Wild

(Source: Reddit)

Spider-Man Hand

(Source: Reddit)

Just a Terrible Idea

(Source: Reddit)

Just Why

(Source: Reddit)

And the One to Match

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It Truly Looks Painful

(Source: Reddit)

This Looks Icky

(Source: Reddit)

Lip Tattoos Are Rarely Good

(Source: Reddit)

It's Leaking

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Man…

(Source: Reddit)

Those Toes Though

(Source: Reddit)

What Happened Here

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Kind of Looks Like a Snakes and Ladders Snake

(Source: Reddit)

It Has Human Feet

(Source: Reddit)

Just Kept Going Back for More

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: bad tattoos, /r/badtattoos, tattoo fails, trashy, fail, snake, trolls, tiktok, gen z, cringe, bear, teddy, facebook, fb, spider-man, simpsons, cartoons, instagram, ig, snap, snapchat, ariana grande, wolf, wolves, animals, collections,