24 Blessed Images To Reset Your Soul In The Midst Of Your Scroll
Every now and then, you have to do something healthy for your psyche and self. Many of the internet's images feel cursed, imbued with dark energy and odd vibes, but these ones aren't. Call these visual vegetables, because they're full of healthy vibes and sensations that will improve your aura and perhaps boost your mood.
Whether it's goofy little guys, adorable cats and dogs, or evidence that human beings can sometimes be nice to each other, these images represent a lighter side of the internet. They have been blessed by the sacred algorithm, anointed with the wholesome oil, and graced with the upvotes of many Redditors.
So take a few moments out of a day full of moments and spend them with people and posts that seek to craft a gentler space, a kinder zone and a better present. These blessed images are sacred in their own way, and so are you.