
24 Brand New, Mind-Boggling Sentences Uttered For The First Time

Two images from /r/brandnewsentence.
Two images from /r/brandnewsentence.

Published January 16, 2025

Published January 16, 2025

With billions of people alive right now, talking, and typing all day long, it's hard to believe that there is anything remotely original left to be said. Surely, by now, everything that can be said has been said, right? Surprisingly, this isn't always the case. Some people are full of surprises, and sometimes the things people say catch everyone by surprise. It keeps people on their toes.

Coming across a bizarre, unusual, or oddly specific sentence is always confusing and sometimes concerning time, depending on whether it's real or not and depending on the context. These are the kinds of sentences that would make absolutely no sense to someone who has never been online.

There's no saying when a brand-new sentence might show up. It could be a news headline, a random comment, or a mysterious Tweet sharing a joke or comparison. Here are 24 brand-new sentences and comments that should confuse everyone slightly.

That's crazy

(Source: Reddit)

Which is better?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Bottom line…

(Source: Reddit)

Don't do it…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This is true

(Source: Reddit)

What a guy…

(Source: Reddit)

A what?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Liquid doctor

(Source: Reddit)

How dare you?

(Source: Reddit)

Times are tough

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

More than once

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds fun

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, a cure

(Source: Reddit)

That's love

(Source: Reddit)

Shave 'em off

(Source: Reddit)

57, a child

(Source: Reddit)

I hope I never see this

(Source: Reddit)

Insane sentence

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I see it

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: brand new sentence, /r/brandnewsentence, hmmm, madlads, mad lads, oddly specific, twitter, the internet, /r/madlads, social media, interesting, headlines, florida man, weird headlines, insane people, crazy people, facepalm,