24 Brand New Sentences To Ponder
From time to time, something comes up in the news or on the timeline that shocks the world. With all of the people out there typing and speaking all day long, it is hard to imagine that there is anything original left to say or come up with. But occasionally something surprising is seen that leaves everyone a little baffled. Sometimes this is a strange headline, such as the infamous "Florida Man" news articles. Something odd is always happening over there. Or sometimes it's an unhinged tweet that leaves the Internet feeling a certain way.
Whatever it may be, these brand new sentences are collected and shared to Reddit's appropriately named subreddit /r/BrandNewSentence. This subreddit contains all of the most unique sentences. Words that have never been strung together before, resulting in something out-of-pocket, concerning, confusing, but mainly entertaining and funny. Here are 24 brand new sentences, hot off the press.