
24 Choosing Beggars Acting Extremely Entitled

Two images from /r/choosingbeggars
Two images from /r/choosingbeggars

Published June 28, 2024

Published June 28, 2024

Most people have probably encountered an entitled person or two in their lives. They are some of the worst kinds of people around to have to deal with. There is one kind of entitled person that is just totally insufferable, and that is choosing beggars. A choosing beggar is someone who does exactly that, begs and chooses their way through life. It's a term derived from the saying "beggars can't be choosers," but apparently not everyone has heard that before.

These people will ask for just about anything. They know no bounds when it comes to trying to get something for free. They will ask for dirt-cheap childcare, free electronics, free food, and even free cars at times. It truly is astonishing to see just how they think and act. While these people can exist anywhere, they seem to frequent Facebook groups a lot, seeing what they can scrounge up from overly generous and kind people. Here are 24 shameful choosing beggars making big demands.

Appropriate response

(Source: Reddit)

Everything to be delivered

(Source: Reddit)


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They have a point

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A whole $12 an hour

(Source: Reddit)

A classic

(Source: Reddit)

Exploiting teens

(Source: Reddit)

Those are like $800

(Source: Reddit)

Oh God…

(Source: Reddit)

Good luck with that attitude

(Source: Reddit)

Just a couple of things

(Source: Reddit)

Me too, please

(Source: Reddit)

For free of course

(Source: Reddit)

What's an assault course?

(Source: Reddit)

That comment though

(Source: Reddit)

Just the necessities

(Source: Reddit)

Perfect condition

(Source: Reddit)

For the kids!

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like a you problem

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No thanks

(Source: Reddit)

This doesn't seem right

(Source: Reddit)

DJ problems

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like a great gig

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, entitled people, entitled, karens, reviews, facebook, fb, buy nothing, kids, babysitting, parents, marketplace, insane people, noah kahan, entitled parents, parenting, sigh, facepalm, /r/facepalm, collections,