
24 Choosing Beggars Being Ultra Entitled

Two images from /r/choosingbeggars
Two images from /r/choosingbeggars

Published May 21, 2024

Published May 21, 2024

Some people lack self-awareness to an incredible extent. One of these kinds of people are choosing beggars. Choosing beggars, as it would sound, are the kinds of people who never really learned the term "beggars can't be choosers." That is to say that these individuals are incredibly entitled. Choosing beggars will ask for the absolute most, no matter what it is, and they have no shame doing it either. Whether it be free or insultingly cheap childcare, free housing, or trying to knock down the price of an already cheap product, they can be found generally making the lives of others more intolerable.

Choosing beggars some one of the most annoying people out there, the ones who turn into Karens when they don't get their way is even worse. To see choosing beggars in all their glory, Reddit's /r/ChoosingBeggars has many to see. This subreddit is filled with sightings and experiences with some of the most shockingly entitled people around. Here are just 24 of them that will cause some intense facepalming.

It's always the nanny postings…

(Source: Reddit)

Like, make it make sense

(Source: Reddit)

"Compensated highly" $10/hour

(Source: Reddit)

Would she, though?

(Source: Reddit)

Um! Good luck with that!

(Source: Reddit)

The reactions don't disappoint

(Source: Reddit)

Free shipping just ain't enough

(Source: Reddit)

Classic "buy nothing" post

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Gimme a break

(Source: Reddit)

Work for free for your portfolio

(Source: Reddit)

Landscaping plus bathroom bugs

(Source: Reddit)

It is a job…

(Source: Reddit)

Move along

(Source: Reddit)

Female only

(Source: Reddit)

Deliver me a free sectional

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Seriously, though

(Source: Reddit)

Can I have your hotel points?

(Source: Reddit)

Take less money and assemble it

(Source: Reddit)

Just wait for that wage…

(Source: Reddit)

They're free patterns

(Source: Reddit)

The fact that they found someone in the first place…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, entitled people, entitlement, nanny, nannies, kids, childcare, entitled parents, people being jerks, insane people, children, rent, housing, jobs, babysitting, karen, cooking, private chef, food, facebook, collections,