
24 Cool, Odd And Unique Item Collections People Are Hiding In Their Homes

Two interesting and odd collection examples.
Two interesting and odd collection examples.

Published about a month ago

Published about a month ago

What comes to mind when you think about collecting as a hobby? Coins? Watches? Maybe comic books? These are just the tip of the iceberg: anything can become a collectible item if you're dedicated and curious enough (and your house has enough space for it).

Radioactive glass souvenirs, unique cameras, Tamagochi, cereal boxes, oddities found at the dump – these are just a few examples of what that some people are fond of collecting. These private collections are not something that would ever end up in a museum, and the only way a stranger can learn about them is if the collectors themselves decide to share their most prized possessions online for the world to see — and they did!

Some say that collecting is a boring hobby, but people who started these truly unique collections of all sorts of odd items couldn't agree less.

Telechron Kitchen Clocks

(Source: Reddit)

Art Deco Cameras

(Source: Reddit)

Uranium Glass Corvettes

(Source: Reddit)

Vases Of All Shapes And Sizes

(Source: Reddit)

Airline Sugar Packets

(Source: Reddit)

Oddities Found At The Beach

(Source: Reddit)

Remember Madballs?

(Source: Reddit)

Cereal Boxes

(Source: Reddit)

A Coin From Every Century Since Money Was Invented

(Source: Reddit)

Ferrari Hot Wheels Cars

(Source: Reddit)

Small Items Found At A London Dump Over 15 Years

(Source: Reddit)

Almost Full Mad Magazine Collection

(Source: Reddit)

Tamagotchi Collection Started In '97

(Source: Reddit)

An Eclectic Sea Finds Collection

(Source: Reddit)

PEZ Dispenser Collection

(Source: "":s/comments/1evqq2j/updated_pez_collection_pics/)

Rubber Band Ball Collection

(Source: Reddit)

2010s Concert Tickets

(Source: Reddit)

Miniature Lighthouses

(Source: Reddit)

Radioactive Antiques

(Source: Reddit)

Radioactive Antiques

(Source: Reddit)

Bird Feathers

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Whiskers

(Source: Reddit)

A Collection? Or An Armory?

(Source: Reddit)

Miniature Bottles

(Source: Reddit)

Pill Boxes And Small Containers

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/coolcollections, rare collections, collecting, hot wheels, mad magazine, tamagochi, pez dispencer, rubber band ball, nerf,