24 Cringeworthy 'Deep' Posts Showcasing Our Society

Everyone has seen those posts out there that attempt to get across some super deep, meaningful message but do it really poorly. They circulate social media sites like Facebook regularly and usually consist of a 'deep' or thought-provoking image along with some quote or comic-like text. The point of them is to showcase the way society is and how different things are now than they were in the past, essentially. Does anyone actually get anything from these posts, though?
While they might seem inspirational at first, upon further consideration, it is easy to see that they are truly shallow. The message is usually something super obvious or something super out-of-touch and closed-minded. They aren't really giving anything, at all, but there are some people who love them, for some reason.
Reddit's /r/im14andthisisdeep is a subreddit where people can share these terribly cringeworthy posts so everyone can be inspired … or just so that everyone can see how simple some people are. Here are 24 of them that exist online, for some reason.