24 Cringeworthy Memes That Were Ruined By Their Own Creators

Not every meme can be a winner. In fact, most of them aren't. So many created memes are not good and get no traction online because of that. Or they are so bad they are shared for the cringe factor only. It is clear though that some people cannot tell a good meme from a bad meme, and they try to share these bad memes with the world, only to end up making them so much worse with a terrible caption or added reaction.
If a meme is already down, meaning it's in the comedy cemetery already, there is no reason to kick it even further. Doing so is an act of comedy homicide, which is what is featured here. Reddit's /r/comedyhomicide is full of all the memes that were made so much worse by the very people who shared them with the world. Here are 24 terrible memes that are full of cringe.