24 Cringeworthy Moments Making Everyone Uncomfortable
For some people out there, the cringe just comes naturally, like it's a part of them. Everyone has been a victim of a cringeworthy moment before, we have all said or done something just a little unhinged and regretted it later. Those awkward moments are just a part of life. Unfortunately for many people though their cringeworthy moments get posted to the internet for all to see and laugh at, which is somewhat devastating for them.
At least real-life cringe usually isn't remembered for this long. Reddit has quite a few subreddits for sharing cringeworthy posts such as /r/cringepics and /r/sadcringe, both are difficult to scroll through at times. Cringe is also entertaining though; honestly, the people being made fun of usually deserve it… usually. So here are 24 cringeworthy posts that are a bit like a car crash — nothing good is coming from it, but it's hard to look away.