24 Curious Listings From Buy-And-Sell Sites Around The Web

With the power of the internet, anyone can sell their old stuff, and they can even do it worldwide. The act of selling things online is pretty widely used now, once upon a time eBay used to be all the rage. Now there are local sites like the infamous Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. These kinds of places make it easy to get a buck or two from something no longer in use. Some people do take this notion to the extreme though.
Whether it is selling a dodgy DIY project or something that definitely needs to be thrown in a dumpster, anyone will try and sell anything for a little cash. This makes for some pretty alarming yet hilarious posts to be found. Reddit's /r/CrackheadCraigslist features so many of these strange listings of things for sale. All of these unique products are up for grabs for some lucky individual to find. Here are just 24 of those odd and bizarre things people are trying to strike it rich on.