
24 Examples Of Things With Awful Taste But Perfect Execution

Two images from /r/atbge.
Two images from /r/atbge.

Published October 17, 2024

Published October 17, 2024

Sometimes you can come up with an idea that seems amazing in your head, but when it comes to actually implementing it, you run into a world of problems that eventually lead to a sub-par final product. The subreddit /r/ATBGE is similar in that aspect but flipped on its head. Instead of having a great idea that turns into a terrible product, we have awful ideas that end up being a great final product.

This subreddit is home to various mind-boggling creations you would have never thought of, and despite how awful they sound on paper, they turn out much better in practice. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by these otherwise ghastly creations, enter this collection with an open mind, and hopefully come out with a hopeful sensation that anything is truly possible in the crazy world of the internet. From horrors beyond your imagination to surprisingly creative designs, this subreddit has it all.

Hair pick masterclass

(Source: Reddit)

Hee Haw

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, Jacksonville!

(Source: Reddit)

Coffin Cooler

(Source: Reddit)

The Masoblet

(Source: Reddit)

Nice devil toes!

(Source: Reddit)

For anyone who likes a drink with their lights

(Source: Reddit)

These would go perfect with jorts!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Great for Halloween!

(Source: Reddit)

A true Pharoah's steed!

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken lamp

(Source: Reddit)

Not sure about this one

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting ghost interpretation

(Source: Reddit)

Behold! A toesnail!

(Source: Reddit)

Blessed by cage

(Source: Reddit)

Finger Lickin' Good

(Source: Reddit)

Stilettos – Zhu Tian

(Source: Reddit)

Lovely fish sink!

(Source: Reddit)

Arguably great taste!

(Source: Reddit)

The coolest bus!

(Source: Reddit)

Shupac Couture

(Source: Reddit)

Eggcellent Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)

We need more collabs like this!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: awful taste but great execution, atbge, awful taste, great execution, diwhy, diy fails, collections,