Meme Encyclopedia

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24 Facebook Memes Riddled With Terrible Humor

Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes
Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes

Published June 06, 2024

Published June 06, 2024

Sure, everyone has a different sense of humor and therefore a different taste in memes. What one person enjoys, someone else could find truly terrible and cringeworthy. This is especially true when it comes to the differences in meme taste between older and younger generations. A select few older Facebook users have a very specific taste in memes and humor, which is not particularly popular with the younger crowd, and for good reason.

Their memes tend to be very shallow, closed-minded, and out-of-touch. They are usually riddled with politics and criticizing younger generations, especially kids while reminiscing on the old days and how much better life used to be. These memes seem to come almost exclusively from your weird aunt's Facebook page, which makes some sense. Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes collects many of them to expose these wild people for the ways they think and what they find funny online. Here are just 24 of them that are truly awful.

Good taste, but why the AI image?

(Source: Reddit)

Kids these days

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A classic

(Source: Reddit)

Just all around bad

(Source: Reddit)

Is this what they think?

(Source: Reddit)

Posts like these

(Source: Reddit)

Wife bad

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I mean, okay

(Source: Reddit)

Back in the good old days, or so they say

(Source: Reddit)

This has to be satire

(Source: Reddit)

No one talks to their grandma anymore

(Source: Reddit)

Ancient artifacts

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone is just so soft

(Source: Reddit)

Of course it's a Rick and Morty fan page

(Source: Reddit)

This beautiful picture

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever you say

(Source: Reddit)

More men who hate their wives

(Source: Reddit)

So sad

(Source: Reddit)

It's all a scheme, why is there a bear?

(Source: Reddit)

The picture of the computer screen is iconic

(Source: Reddit)

Posted by OPs grandpa

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/terriblefacebookmemes, facebook memes, boomer humour, ai, kids, cringe, facebook, fb, cars, snowflakes, aliens, climate change, twitter, deer, animal, vegan, boomers, gen x, microwave, electric cars, memes, food, family, snapchat, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia