
24 History Memes For Everyone Struggling Through The Present Day

Two history memes
Two history memes

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Often, we see the news and think we're living in a difficult day and age. However, we're not the only ones; the good news (if you could call it that) is that things have been worse, and we're technically in one of the better times in history. At least we don't have to pray to a god with a cat head in order to make our rivers flood enough so we don't starve during the upcoming harvest. We could have been born in worse times. Perhaps that provides a small sense of comfort, and even if it doesn't, at least we can laugh at historical events to escape the present.

History memes are memes that help us reflect on other times in history. Since it's history, most of these times were far worse times than our own actually is. This can provide a sense of comfort for those of us who have had enough of the present, whether it's from current news or the price of housing. Because no matter how bad things get, at least we weren't part of the Habsburg family.

They Gave Up

Why Do People Keep Believing This Stuff


Sad History Moment


A Man With Aspirations

A Nightmarish Game of Tug-of-War

Don't Do It

Great Leap Backwards

Does Prometheus Count?

Keeping the Bloodline Pure

Crop Flooding



Wonder What Traumatized Them?

Want to Heart About Trebuchets?

Oh No


Not Even a Meme

It's Easy to Forget Your Own War Crimes

It's Theirs Now

Easiest Conflict Resolution


Math Checks Out

Tags: history, history memes, memes, reddit, history fandom, collections,