24 Incredibly Relatable Memes That Hit Too Close To Home

Memes come in all shapes and sizes, from ironic to abstract, and more importantly, relatable. Relatable memes have a very special place in people's hearts, often because they give you a sense of belonging on the internet. It's usually nice to hear that someone else out there has also gone through a similar experience that you have, and you aren't just completely crazy. That being said, sometimes memes can hit a little too close to home, often making a reference that feels more like being called out than it does a funny relatable experience.
The Facebook page "I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme" is a perfect example of this, compiling all of the 'personal attack' memes all in one place, giving you one reliable source for all the memes that are a bit too hard-hitting. Strap in for a wild ride as we step into the world of relatability, and prepare to catch some strays along the way, because this collection has no mercy for anyone.