
24 Incredibly Relatable Memes That Hit Too Close To Home

monster energy
monster energy

Published November 05, 2024

Published November 05, 2024

Memes come in all shapes and sizes, from ironic to abstract, and more importantly, relatable. Relatable memes have a very special place in people's hearts, often because they give you a sense of belonging on the internet. It's usually nice to hear that someone else out there has also gone through a similar experience that you have, and you aren't just completely crazy. That being said, sometimes memes can hit a little too close to home, often making a reference that feels more like being called out than it does a funny relatable experience.

The Facebook page "I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme" is a perfect example of this, compiling all of the 'personal attack' memes all in one place, giving you one reliable source for all the memes that are a bit too hard-hitting. Strap in for a wild ride as we step into the world of relatability, and prepare to catch some strays along the way, because this collection has no mercy for anyone.

Only four types of people!

(Source: Facebook)

Good one!

(Source: Facebook)

Heck yeah she did!

(Source: Facebook)

Where's the funny?

(Source: Facebook)

All in a day's work!

(Source: Facebook)

Anything can happen!

(Source: Facebook)

Basically what happens!

(Source: Facebook)

Getting old blows

(Source: Facebook)

Silence is an important thing!

(Source: Facebook)

He needs assistance!

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

No one ever thinks about that…

(Source: Facebook)

Exploring the pieces within us

(Source: Facebook)

It just makes perfect sense!

(Source: Facebook)

Capitalism and it's consequences

(Source: Facebook)

Better than the original!

(Source: Facebook)

How could this happen?

(Source: Facebook)

Still counts!

(Source: Facebook)

Too relatable!

(Source: Facebook)

All black, always!

(Source: Facebook)

How could this happen?

(Source: Facebook)

Sometimes it do be like that

(Source: Facebook)

Terrible feeling!

(Source: Facebook)

Can't do it…

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: facebook memes, dank memes, relatable memes, matt damon aging, collections,