
24 Insane Mad Lads Doing The Unthinkable

Two images from /r/madlads
Two images from /r/madlads

Published June 05, 2024

Published June 05, 2024

There are some seriously special individuals out there. Some people are just on another level of brute courage than most people out there. It is impressive what sort of lengths some folks will go to achieve something, and honestly pretty commendable, too. These kinds of people can be known as 'mad lads'. This term is derived from British slang and can be used for someone who does something totally crazy and unthinkable.

The kinds of things a mad lad can do can range from some mild household shenanigans all the way up to insane and chaotic crimes. While the actions of mad lads may differ, one thing they all have in common is that they all have zero consideration for consequences. They act first and think later, it truly is a wild way to live. Reddit's /r/madlads is a subreddit that is made to showcase all of these insane people who live all around the world. Here are 24 mad lads doing what they do best, the unthinkable.


(Source: Reddit)

He's crazy for that

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No way

(Source: Reddit)

Broke the system

(Source: Reddit)

Good for him

(Source: Reddit)

A millionaire mad lad

(Source: Reddit)

Valid question

(Source: Reddit)

Mad lad flower planter

(Source: Reddit)

What a guy

(Source: Reddit)

Silent warriors

(Source: Reddit)

Oh God

(Source: Reddit)

Doing the world a service

(Source: Reddit)

He's wrong for that

(Source: Reddit)

He got them

(Source: Reddit)

She was on a mission

(Source: Reddit)

Awww yes

(Source: Reddit)

Might as well at that point

(Source: Reddit)

No way he did that

(Source: Reddit)

Good for him

(Source: Reddit)

That's pretty bold

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Absolute unit

(Source: Reddit)

Corn scheming

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/madlads, mad lads, insane people, news, weddings, photographers, karens, kids, twitter, lion king, cake, jeopardy, food, aldi, onions, dating, online dating, scams, concert, ds, reddit, coke, pepsi, soda, instagram, jokes, collections,