
24 Insults So Specific They Hit Different

Two images from /r/rareinsults
Two images from /r/rareinsults

Published May 21, 2024

Published May 21, 2024

Sometimes the old insults just don't hit anymore. The generic insults that can be used for anyone and everyone are just so overused. No one even gets insulted by a normal insult anymore, if someone really wants their insult to hit they have to think a little deeper. The folks featured on Reddit's /r/rareinsults are the masters of this.

A rare insult is the kind of insult that is made to be so specific that it has likely never been said before. They get down to the nitty and gritty of a person, honing in on their insecurities so that the insult really leaves that lasting impact. It is not kind, it is not mature, but it is utterly hilarious to see someone come up with and execute a truly rare insult. Some of them are so oddly specific it's hard to tell if it's an insult at all, or just a deeply cut comparison that could be seen as insulting, depending on who someone is. So here are 24 rare insults that just hit different.


(Source: Reddit)

He always looks the same

(Source: Reddit)

This is like a half-compliment

(Source: Reddit)

So true

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He has a point

(Source: Reddit)

Why does it make sense?

(Source: Reddit)

That caption is creepy

(Source: Reddit)

Don't hate on One Direction like that

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Brutally accurate

(Source: Reddit)

I can't

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We all know a guy like this

(Source: Reddit)

Don't disrespect them again

(Source: Reddit)

A rare house insult

(Source: Reddit)

They ain't wrong

(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

No comment

(Source: Reddit)

A very British photo

(Source: Reddit)

I see it

(Source: Reddit)

I can hear it now…

(Source: Reddit)

Best one yet

(Source: Reddit)

Built-in umbrella

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/rareinsults, rare insults, comebacks, clever comebacks, facebook, rhianna, fb, oof, mark zuckerberg, zombie, reddit, hugh jackman, drake, slipknot, music, youtube, twitter, gym, dr phil, one direction, kindle, reading, oddly specific, collections,