
24 Kids Being Adorably Dumb

Two images from /r/kidsarefuckingstupid
Two images from /r/kidsarefuckingstupid

Published May 29, 2024

Published May 29, 2024

Raising children is not for the faint of heart. Not everyone should be a parent because it takes a lot of patience that many people do not have. Kids are dumb, let's face it, but that isn't a bad thing really, we can't expect a lot from these kids, they haven't been around very long. Although they are the way of the future and someday will be the ones making the decisions and changing the world. So when we see them making some very stupid decisions, it does not instill much faith in their capabilities.

It is funny to see what they get up to though, which is why it's great that Reddit users share all of the stupidity of children for all to see. Whether it's a bad school assignment, the aftermath of too much curiosity, or just some super obscure way of doing something, it's entertaining to see just how the minds of these children work. Here are 24 kids being adorably dumb that may or may not make you rethink the whole parenting thing.

Mmm, soap

Good one

Diabolical way to eat an ice cream come



No way

Commentary from a 7-year-old

Poor kid


Technically true

What the…

Mood, honestly

So confidently wrong

Common moment

That's kind of wholesome


Just… why?

Eating an egg roll, the long way


How to respond to scam emails

Change in the vents

Kind of genius

Do not knock

Found in the speaker

Tags: kids are dumb, funny kids, facepalm, reddit, twitter, cringe, cringeworthy, roblox, nintendo, gaming, gameboy, wholesome, blessed images, instagram, mother's day, fail, pizza crimes, scams, kids, children, parenting, collections,