
24 Modern Memes Made From Classical Art Relics

Two images from /r/trippinthroughtime
Two images from /r/trippinthroughtime

Published May 22, 2024

Published May 22, 2024

Being able to relate to people and situations from hundreds or thousands of years ago isn't something typically thought of. The times were way different, the lifestyles, the events, everything was different. There is a peculiar thing that happens though, and that is that sometimes the art from these historical periods appears to be oddly relatable. It's like the people in them are actually time travelers who don't quite know how they got to be in that photo. It's funny because those old, classic art pieces become super relatable, and then memes can be made from them.

Classical art memes are exactly that, they are memes made from old art. It's fun to see that in some ways, things actually haven't changed all that much over time. Reddit's /r/trippinthroughtime is the subreddit to visit to see all of the best cases of historical art made into modern memes. So here are 24 classical art memes that will have you relating to your long-lost ancestors in the strangest ways.

Excellent indeed

(Source: Reddit)

Leave me alone

(Source: Reddit)

He's gonna lose an eye

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ugh… why

(Source: Reddit)

The sun God has spoken

(Source: Reddit)

Oh! Thanks

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's all life really is

(Source: Reddit)

Just leave me be

(Source: Reddit)

We did not need this

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Poor lamb

(Source: Reddit)

Come on man

(Source: Reddit)

The more you know

(Source: Reddit)

"Straight fire" or so they say

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How interesting

(Source: Reddit)

He said that

(Source: Reddit)

A shocking discovery

(Source: Reddit)

It's fine though

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/trippinthroughtime, trippin through time, classical art memes, memes, books, kids, animals, crow, king charles, cringe, social media, high school, introverts, twitter, mother's day, reddit, lego, history, history memes, me irl, collections,