
24 Of Reddit's Favorite Adorably Dumb Animals

Two images from /r/animalsbeingderps
Two images from /r/animalsbeingderps

Published April 17, 2024

Published April 17, 2024

Many people around the globe open their homes, hearts, and wallets to pets. Dogs, cats and a wide variety of other animals live in the homes of people, keeping them company and providing important love and entertainment. Animals are adorable, that is a known fact, but sometimes they can also be super dumb. They can be found getting up to some silly mischief, pulling some goofy faces, or sleeping in seemingly uncomfortable positions.

It's true, no matter how smart someone thinks their pet is, they all have their moments of derp that make them all the more lovable and entertaining. Reddit's /r/AnimalsBeingDerps is a subreddit community that welcomes users to share their pets most ridiculous moments from the day. So many animals make it onto this page, animals of all kinds, not just household pets either, even wildlife can be found getting up to some shenanigans. Here are just 24 animals and pets caught in some seriously silly situations.

How is he looking different directions?

(Source: Reddit)

Can't be comfortable

(Source: Reddit)

So polite

(Source: Reddit)

Her name is Pixie

(Source: Reddit)

He's reached a dead-end

(Source: Reddit)

Snowball fight

(Source: Reddit)

Peak feline form

(Source: Reddit)

A little squished?

(Source: Reddit)

Just relaxing

(Source: Reddit)

Got stuck

(Source: Reddit)

Best, but unexpected, buddies

(Source: Reddit)

You can't see him

(Source: Reddit)

Bear derp

(Source: Reddit)

Cats and paper bags

(Source: Reddit)

That's not how that works

(Source: Reddit)

Tiny teeth

(Source: Reddit)

The smallest blep

(Source: Reddit)

He's sleeping on his own head

(Source: Reddit)

Some serious side-eye

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No thoughts

(Source: Reddit)

Drooling for a bite

(Source: Reddit)

Fun was had

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/animalsbeingderps, animals being derps, animals, pets, awww, wholesome, dogs, tortoise, reptiles, birds, derp, fail, so cute, cats, kittens, puppies, puppy, oops, kitty, funny animals, funny dogs, wholesome memes, collections,