
24 Off-Putting Interactions From The Online Dating World

Two online dating interactions
Two online dating interactions

Published January 09, 2024

Published January 09, 2024

The dating world has become an intimidating place. Dating used to be something organic — people would meet through hobbies, at work, or in the wild, like in bars or grocery stores. While that still happens and many people prefer that method of meeting people, online dating has become the norm for many. Online dating through the use of sites and apps like Tinder or Bumble is an efficient way to meet people and have a good look through the dating pool. While it is quicker, it isn't always the best method of dating. Online, people have less of a filter. They say whatever comes to mind, whether it's appropriate or not, and most of the time it isn't.

Pickup lines are getting worse and worse, more cringeworthy and a lot more bold. Swiping and scrolling through all of the red flags is a daunting task, but there are many success stories from these apps too, it just takes some time and dedication. Single users of Reddit share their worst (and sometimes best) moments and interactions from dating sites and apps. Some of these are truly shocking. Here are 24 screenshots, messages and conversations that might turn anyone off of dating for a while.

Sounds Sus

(Source: Reddit)

A Formal Apology

(Source: Reddit)

Valid Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

Who Said Romance Is Dead?

(Source: Reddit)

Any Takers?

(Source: Reddit)

Great Start

(Source: Reddit)

Is He Okay?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Nice

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Fun Fact

(Source: Reddit)

That's Fair

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

RIP Grandma

(Source: Reddit)

Insane Bet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They Don't Always Land

(Source: Reddit)

Is This Right?

(Source: Reddit)

No Thanks

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Poor Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Good One, Man

(Source: Reddit)

Where You Belong

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tinder, online dating, cringe, pickup lines, lego, taylor swift, relationships, love, boyfriend, girlfriend, reddit, collections,