24 Online Comments That Were Better Left Unsaid
Not everything that comes to mind has to be said out loud or posted online. In fact, many things should be kept on the inside, it's just better that way for everyone, in the long run. Having to come across and read a comment that is absolutely cursed can be a shocking and concerning time. Some people's humor is just darker than others, but man, some of the jokes and comments people come up with are wild.
These kinds of comments are ones no one really wants to read, but unfortunately the world has been subjected to them. Reddit's /r/cursedcomments is the subreddit that collects these unhinged and out-of-pocket comments and jokes made by some seriously twisted individuals. Many of the 25 listed here are toned down in comparison to others, the subreddit is a dark and frightening place. But for anyone who wants to be mildly creeped out, here are 24 cursed comments that never should have been allowed to see the light of day.