24 Peculiar Images Making Us Say 'Hmmm'

Sometimes, images don't need any context. Context is commonly needed for many things in life. In terms of images, context gives an image a who, what, where, why, and how, which can be handy for viewers to know. Without context, images can be confusing, unusual and sometimes even creepy. So, how about a subreddit with only context-less photos?
Reddit's very strange subreddit, /r/hmmm, is a subreddit filled with the weirdest and most unexplainable photos the web has to offer. The subreddit describes itself as a sort of art gallery, which is pretty accurate. Scrolling through does evoke some senses of wonder and interest. Some of them are kind of self-explanatory, but others aren't even worth figuring out. It's fun to indulge in some purely odd content every once in a while; it's like a fun little treat.
So here are 24 odd, strange images from /r/hmmm that made everyone say "hmmm…" upon viewing.