24 People Being Unbelievably Inconsiderate

While most people in the world just try to get through life being a generally good person, not making too much of a ruckus, and respecting people and the planet, some people have no consideration for others. These kinds of people are just the worst, they do whatever they what wherever they want, and the rest of the decent people in the world are left to deal with the aftermath, which is always terrible. These kinds of people can be referred to as trashy.
Trashy people can do all kinds of things, they can be bad parents, they can be Karens, or they can be relatively normal people doing some very distasteful things. On Reddit's /r/trashy, people can share their encounters with these terribly mannered people with the rest of the internet so everyone can see and shame them for who they are. Here are just 24 terrible people doing terrible things.