24 People Who Didn't Realize Who They Were Talking To Online

These days, everyone has social media, literally. This means that people need to be more careful with what they say publicly on the Internet. Anyone could see someone's post. Everyone, including professionals, doctors, actors, artists, and so much more. The Internet is public, so it's always possible for someone to find or come across something that might be about them or could involve them. People could be called out for making up lies, claiming things as their own, or spreading misinformation. It's an embarrassing thing to witness, but awfully entertaining to see someone get called out.
Normally, asking someone "don't you know who I am?" is kind of a pretentious thing to say. In these kinds of cases, though, it is warranted. This happens online all the time, and luckily, many people capture these awkward moments and share them for all to see. Always be careful when making big statements, assumptions, or claims online, because it is so easy to end up like one of these individuals.
Here are 24 embarrassing moments where someone did not know that who they were to was who they were talking about. There is nothing more humiliating than this.