24 People Who Had One Job To Do
Everyone experiences problems at work from time to time. Everyone makes mistakes, and that is totally fine. Some fails are worse than others and some people's mistakes are more public than others, depending on the job they do. For some, they can fix their mistakes quietly and quickly before anyone notices. However, for those whose work is put on display, many more people might see their mistakes. They may even be seen by millions if shared online like many are.
Mistakes are easily made, but some mistakes seem really ridiculously silly. Some jobs seem super simple, so much so that messing them up is so crazy to think about. These silly mistakes happen often, though, and luckily, they are indeed put on the web for everyone to laugh and shake their heads at. Hopefully, the victims of these mistakes weren't affected too much by them.
These kinds of simple failures can be super unsatisfying to see, but they are also super hilarious and might make some people feel better about their own mistakes. Here are 24 evidential images of people who clearly messed up their jobs.