24 Perfectly Timed Photos Created By Pure Luck

You never know what is going to happen next; life is full of mysteries and surprises. Some of the best times in life are, in fact, the unplanned ones, and that is especially the case when it comes to photography. Well-planned and executed photography is great, it creates memories for people to keep forever. Sometimes, though, someone with a camera is in the exact right place just at the right time to capture something even greater.
Nobody expects the unplanned, and that is exactly how people got the photos found on Reddit's /r/perfecttiming. These photos were never meant to be captured but it's a good thing they were because many of them are so priceless. There is everything from wildlife flying by to photobombs from some unexpected visitors to sudden disasters captured in time. There is no saying what might be found in this subreddit but it is totally worth the scroll to appreciate the good accidents in life that just happen to happen. Here are 24 of those perfectly timed photos everyone can enjoy.