24 Photos Of Animals At Their Goofiest

Sometimes animals do the silliest things. Though so many people bring these cute little critters into their homes, from time to time they get up to some real funny business. Pets are so great for so many reasons. They bring people company, they are loyal and loving, and of course they're all adorable. So many households all around the world open their homes and hearts to cats, dogs, and so many other creatures to love and care for.
One of the other great things about having them is seeing all the shenanigans they get up to throughout the day. Whether it's sleeping in a new spot, making a funny face, or getting into some silly situation that's pretty unexplainable, capturing the ridiculousness of animals is one of the greatest joys someone can have in life. Here are 25 photos of animals caught on camera pulling some pretty silly stunts. With how dumb they can be, it's a good thing they're cute.