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24 Photos Of What It Was Like To Be A Mechanic In The Early 1900s

Two images from /r/oldschoolcool
Two images from /r/oldschoolcool

Published March 21, 2025

Published March 21, 2025

There are plenty of jobs these days that did not exist back in the day. Of course, all of the technology-related jobs, many office jobs, and jobs of that nature did not exist in the early 1900s. There are some careers, though, that were available in the early 1900s and still are, now. One of those jobs is mechanical jobs. Cars have always been needing work. Things go wrong all the time, they need repairing, modifying, and so on. However, the way that the job looked back then looked a little different from how it does now.

Back then there were still schools that taught people how to be mechanics, as there are now, but the classes were smaller and the classrooms looked different. Of course, cars have changed a lot over the years, so the work needing to be done on them is different. Cars are much more technical now. It is pretty cool, though, to see how cars and car mechanics as well as other mechanics worked back then.

Here we have collected 24 images of what it looked like to be a mechanic in the early 1900s, especially the 1940s and 1950s. Enjoy this interesting deep dive into a popular career that was still popular back then.

Early 1900s auto mechanic

(Source: Reddit)

The future Queen Elizabeth II, as a mechanic, 1940s

(Source: Reddit)

Mechanic lubricating Gino Sciardis' chain during the 1949 Tour De France

(Source: Redd)

British military mechanic, the future Queen Elizabeth II, fixes a Jeep motor, 1945

(Source: Redd)

Airplane mechanic in the 1950s

(Source: Redd)

Girls in auto mechanics in high school, 1927

(Source: Redd)

A car being repaired in 1920

(Source: Reddit)

Harley-Davidson School for Motor Mechanics, 1917

(Source: Reddit)

Mechanics hoisting a train engine, 1935

(Source: Redd)

"My grandpa, Italian-American mechanic, 1947"

(Source: Redd)

Woman working on an airplane motor at North American Aviation, 1942

(Source: Reddit)

Power house mechanic, 1920

(Source: Reddit)

Wife of a deployed soldier works on her car with her child, 1944

(Source: Redd)

Aircraft Electrical Mechanics School, 1948

(Source: Redd)

US mechanics cleaning an engine, Burma, 1945

(Source: Redd)

Mechanics repairing a car, 1920s

(Source: Redd)

A gas station mechanic, 1934

(Source: Reddit)

Training enlisted men in gas engine mechanics and auto repair work, 1918

(Source: Reddit)

Working on hot rods, 1950

(Source: Redd)

A 1937 Chevrolet being checked with diagnostic equipment

(Source: Reddit)

Gas station employees and mechanics, 1950s

(Source: Reddit)

A mechanic using a depth gauge on a metal boring, 1915

(Source: Reddit)

A man building a plane, 1927

(Source: Reddit)

Women's auxiliary Air Force mechanic setting up aircraft autopilot assembly, 1940s

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: cars, mechanics, classic cars, throwback, nostalgia, retro, nostalgic images, throwback photos, reddit, mechanic,

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